Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dinner was the best part ♥


Diligence, Popeyes, Memories, Non-stop fun.




RWPS was completed this afternoon, and I mumbled a few weird sentences where my mind totally went blank like ------ after speaking the wrong things, and the worse thing was that I didn't know what to say after that and I think I spoke nonsense ._. It was so stressful to be the first speaker of the day and we locked Brother and Pzy outta the class rooms when they supposedly were supposed to ask us questions during the Q&A session! I already prepared "model" answers for their questions and they didn't even get a chance to step into the classroom (sad x 23456) Tmr's another round of presentation and Cal has to leave early for her driving lessons. I think I'ld be doing my taxation past year papers with XinYan and Ras after their presentation!

And oh, something's more irritating! I was trying to figure out the answer for my Facc 07/08 Exam paper and I approached like Kong and Lee for the answers but I still couldn't get the ans.! So today, I went to ask Kong again and he printed out the answers for the past year paper. When I compared the answers with mine, I realised that they actually used a different stock loss percentage and that's why I couldn't get that answer! Omg so angry can !!!^%^#^%@#&*^@*&# Ok, not I stupid, its the answer with the problem (YAY).

New Year's coming like so soooooooooon! Just a few days more, and we're gonna have reunion dinner with everyone (Happy) Its gonna be so fun, but it'ld be so much better if Thomas's in SG with us! I kinda miss him suddenly, so I've decided to change my lappy's wallpaper into him (again)!

I'm off to figure out SOME of the taxation materials like NOW.

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