Friday, January 02, 2009

So far, So good.

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Mob lessons have alwys been so fun so unteresting with the help of ms.Maler. Hurray we had a skit on like monday no no its wednesday. Supposed to divide ourselves into 4 groups like our usual project groups to come up with a skit showing a manager's behaviour. Joey's group only had 3 person and ours as well so we were suggested to merge the 2 groups tgt. Haha eliminated another group cuz now we're short of 1 team. Managed to clinch champion and had 5 marks for our overall module. Ms.Maler thn gave us a prize which is some orange skin cookie or whatever you call that from england or some ang mo country I forgot.

Lessons so far this week has been manageable. Lets look forward to next week's but most imptly, I'll be going back to Chung Cheng with WanQing tmr and Wanning lets get your bag soon!

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