1. Genting 2010 (Oh this is oh so interesting to give it a miss!)
2. Universal Studios Singapore 2010 (I swear I'm going back there again!)
3. Daddy's Birthday! (Swensen's Ice cream cake again!)
4. Preparations for Xmas! (I have alot alot of gatherings this year but I haven't bought ANY presents oh dear!)
5. New Year Resolutions 2011!!!!!! (Eggcited yeah!)
9 December
Yes! Its my Daddy's birthday and we had dinner outside on the 8th cuz I have exams till quite late on the 9th hahaha! But we still managed to do a mini celebration on the 9th just before mid-night with an ice-cream cake my sister bought home after her work (:
We all couldn't decide where to go for dinner cuz everything seems nice and tempting you see! Daddy wanted to have steamboat since quite long ago so we've decided to go with it since Tomyam steamboat can be realllllyyyyy addictive! I wanna have one again soon! I can't control the craving :D!
We settled for the 重庆火锅 at Beach Road cuz the Cab Driver suggested that! The tomyam was quite alright and we had herbal soup for the other half of the soup base. It was less attractive compared to the tomyam one. The soup was so-so but I strongly recommend you guys to go for this if you are those kinda people who cannot stop eating! The staffs there replenishes the food really quickly and there are plenty of crabs (like the ones above) almost every now and then! My sister still thought that this would be like some other outlets where they only pop some crabs once in a while and you gotta "snatch" if you wanna have some. NO! They have it almost every moment and the moment the plate goes down to half, the staff replenishes it! Cool right!!!! And the vegetables are really clean (like those that has been washed) and the fishball is awesome! I haven't had such awesome fishballs for sucha long long time alr (I'm a fishball lover btw) and I ate almost 30 that night! My sister and my dad finished up almost 5 plates (big ones) of beef and I only had some. Mummy went with the prawns and crabs and I gobbled fishballs and dory fish like nobody's business. I like it when we go out together :)
On a sidenote, these favourite kids are coming back soon! Ok, I reckon that they've already touched down and are on their way home alr!!!!! So eggcited can't wait to see them! I wanted to text them but I don't know if they did bring their phone overseas since its HK and not Msia or something. I shall wait for them to text me or come over tmr then!
I so much wanted to be at the airport now, fetching them home, but what the hell! I sprained my leg!
Ok, just when I was typing this........ my dearest WANQING CALLED!!!! Omg hello I love you so much ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come here and see me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, back to topic. I am its like freaking retarded or what? It's the end of my holidays and I would like to go shopping and there goes my leg T.T It was really painful ytd night that I couldn't even walk properly (limping) and thn I had to apply some smelly but nice smelling medicine which actually works cuz its much better today alr!!! I wanna go shopping with my Mummy tmr so that I can get my bestie's birthday present and those for MFP!
Next week's gonna be so packed, or I should say this coming week. Here's a rough schedule to remind myself of what I should do:-
Monday - Out with Wanning & Rachel and tuition in the evening
Tuesday - Tuition in the afternoon & in the evening (I'm starting a new tuition near CCH!!!)
Wednesday - Tuition in the evening (Another new one!! So eggcited cuz its the only one I'm purely teaching Math!)
Thursday - Pedicure with Mummy and Xinyan & thn lessons in the afternoon at BG
Friday - Xmas Celebration with my besties! Charmaine is finally joining us again! Yay!
Ok, Ciaos~ Its time for me to go sleep before my Young Mummy JOEWEEESHOOO nags again! Goodnight people!
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