" Why do you think there is only one seller in the market for most countries whom sell
Electricity? You think it is a differentiated product? No! If you don't believe, plug one finger into the socket, and then plug the same finger when you are in JB. do you think
You will get a different feeling? No right!"
~ My super lame econs lecturer
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Best of my BBFL ♥
We don't need to talk much, although we always have tons to say. But bestfriends just gotta stay this way. ♥
(Comments enabled! Just for you!)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Donny will agree
This, is an overdue POC'11 post. Since like 1 month ago, but I wanna pen them down :)
Donny (my group name la), started of with 13 freshies, me and Guan Siang, and the weird atmosphere. Really weird. The girls are like damn quiet, the guys keep on wanting to change group, some even kept on creating trouble for us :( I know it was very far off when I took this group to compare with Andrea last year! The guys were like so so high, Raymond was even like a mad; Sherileen and Beeqi waking up earlier than me in the morning, starting at me sleep; practiced our dance and everyone was so participative and we were like the champions for almost all the coming events! I mean even comparing to Crimson, this group here this year is really, bwg. REALLY! Like a hard to control and the girls like a shy, the guys like a dw to talk to me :( I was damn sad and I rmbed I told GuanSiang, "This group, is the hardest bunch of people I've met."
Maybe, just because they were a bunch of sweethearts who are really really shy and they take so so so long to open up! I mean LOOK AT US NOW! You all jealous right! Who went out as many times as us together! I really don't think anybody did (haolian face) and which group is as enthu as us now! Nobody right!!!!!!!!!!!
Only 2 of them joined NDP this year, abit sad though if not we'd have alot more fun, but its really very unexpected that we've come this far in just ONE month. Like seriously. ONE month! Hurray! Now, this bunch of people, are as important to me as MFP and Crimson! <3<3
Pixels ( in random order )
I am pretty sure, at the start of the camp, none of us here expected us to be this close like how we are now. Really. I appreciate them alot, alot.
"Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows." They are the ones.
Ok I want to end my post with the picture of my Happy Girl :D 万岁!
Monday, June 27, 2011
All messed up
I have so many things I wanna talk about, I don't like what is happening nowadays. I really don't like. It just doesn't mean right and I mean things shouldn't be the way it is now, but ok. Just a little while more will do. At least I have them with me :)
Saturday, June 25, 2011
A little more adventurous journey
Yes yes! For the past one week, I've been meeting up with the best group of people(s)! From Crimson to MFP to Donny and then the chalet, it was a big big blast I swear! Had so many inside jokes, laugh until I wanna die, yes always so :) I love this bunch of people! I mean I really didn't expect Donny to be so bonded and so.. erm together. They were really not like this during POC but now, woah fantastic group! Hehehe. School started since Monday and tomorrow's gonna be my 6th lesson out of the 20+ and I cannot rmb how I even managed to survive through so many lessons already. The lectures are boring as usual, until the lecturers started to talk nonsense! And by nonsense I really mean words that are really unexpected and all. I love the direct bus to school cuz there's 64 to take and I don't have to cross the over-head bridge anymore. I guess I'll have the privilege to not take the train for at least 1 - 2 years down the road, which may be a good thing! There's school in the morning (econs) again and I really don't like it cuz its so so so boring but no choice I still have to go for it! NDP after that and I'll go down on my own. I can't catch the bussing :( Ok long day ahead and I shall go for my sleep (again)! Goodnight boos!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Rose rose rosy
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This is my new favourite! Nice right nice right!! |
Tomorrow, or basically today's gonna be the start of the bridging courses that I have to attend before the start of Year 2 in UOL. My lessons' in the morning from 0830 to 1130, every single day. Pretty happy with the time slot cuz its the best amongst all the others and I appreciate that alot like really you know. Gonna sleep in a while's time after I finish typing this. Hope the class is good and not like dead quiet cuz me no like quiet people hahaha! Ok goodnight ciaos~
Thursday, June 16, 2011
6 months for a license
On my first try!!
It was an...., amazing journey for the past few months. It all started in Dec 2010 where Daddy encouraged me to go for it. I used to be someone who doesn't even like to sit in the front car seat cuz I think it looks really dangerous compared to the passenger seat at the back. Now, I am an authorised driver with a driving license, and of course, a triangle sign haha!
Everything happened too fast, passed BTT with 49/50, thinking that I will fail cuz its like a 90% chance you'll fail kinda thing if you do your probability. Signed up for a private instructor and stalls the engine at least once or twice in the first few lessons. Studied for my FTT and was again damn anxious about the results when I tried clicking on "submit". Was very very surprised when I saw 48/50 (PASS) and it took me really long till I decided that I wanted to give the Practical Test a try. Ok wait. I didn't want to but my instructor felt that I should and he drove all the way in BBDC to watch me go book. He say, " You wanna learn until when huh?"
Thinking that most or almost everyone I knew passed the Practical test on the second try and I was so damn weak in my vertical parking (surprisingly) and I started thinking. -- Vertical Park reverse, bang left kerb once, bang right kerb once, then ok 20 points, can go back liao. And that was what really happened today. I was so so so nervous. The Indian tester shouted my name, I went up to him, smiled and he gave me the "smile at me for what? I am not going to be kind to you" kinda look and that really scared the hell out of me. So I went up to the car, even had problem starting the engine cuz my legs were really shivering! The first thing he asked me to do was vertical parking in the circuit so like D A N G! Ask me to do my worse thing at the very damn start. Ok lor, really lor, reverse liao suddenly BONG! Bang right kerb (10 points gone). That's when I started becoming not so nervous cuz I thought I don't even have to go out to the road ma. Like later parallel park bang one more time or Crank Course (another disaster) then really pleasetryagain.com liao. But I felt so lucky that everything else went on so smoothly after that and then we went out to the road.
Like irritating only. ROAD WORKS. When I was driving 40+km/h, the bangla suddenly change the "GO" sign to "STOP". Tmd Idk where to stop lor!!! Like so sudden! Luckily I just anyhow stop based on my high IQ & EQ thn I managed to scrap through that. The worse thing is the Indian tester suddenly ask me to do a right turn, and I cannot rmb if I did switch on the signal before I turn. So after I turn, he took out his Ipad and marked out something. So I was thinking to myself, ok cfm die alr. So we went back to the room. YES he still didn't smile at all. I was one of the first few who went back. Maybe the 3rd or 4th person, but my tester was the last who came back to find me. I was thinking to myself, dk if I got too much mistakes that he has to print damn long or like that someone whom my instructor told me before that got more than a 100 demerit points. When he came in, the moment he sit down, he just said, "You know you drive very slow? 70 you drive 60, so how to go outside?" Ok that's when I really wanted to cry. Like I scared I drive 70 he will say I chiong too fast ma! Then he started saying that my vertical park banged a kerb at the very start and that I had difficulties changing lane at one point of time cuz my speed was very slow and so on. At that point of time, I really wanted to cry. He kept hiding the paper from me, I wanted to sneak to see if I failed by how many points but he keep shifting it away. But I was super agitated when he said his last sentence, "But overall, you're good. And you managed to pass the test." MY HEART HOR, LIKE IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE! It was definitely alot more excited than I managed to pass my BTT and FTT. I really didn't expect myself to pass the TP on the first try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love everyone who encouraged me and all, you know who you are and you know I appreciate it alot.
I couldn't control my joy and I really wanted to cry when I received the results while waiting for the grad video. My emotions where like gushing through my mind and my instructor asked me to give him a call straight after the test. I only told him, "I passed. Thank you." and I couldn't say anything else. Not because I didn't want to, but I will cry like a mad dog if I continued and I hung on him. I feel so bad, today's a long day and I am going to give him a call tmr to tell him more about it. Really appreciate him alot alot alot.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Graduation 2011
2008... wow that's like already 3 years ago. I still rmb how everyone gathered in Grand Audi receiving their graduation certificates, taking endless photos! That was in Chung Cheng :) I still kept the photos, still so memorable. Now, I can't believe I actl graduated from SP. It feels like so weird, like my journey just started. But now its coming to an end. I'm an SP alumni now, how great.
My class DAC/06, hasn't been the best class one could be in. Really. Classroom politics, arguments with the lecturers and all. I don't really like it. But they're the ones who were with me throughout this 3 years with some classmates I don't even understand, even until now. But I believe we'll still be meeting out and stuff and I'll be looking forward to them! :) Thank you DAC/06! You guys are awesome!
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DAC/06 |
How I wish I knew this bunch of people below since I was in Year 1! If so, we would still be in school and we'll graduate happily ever after 2 years later.. We seldom meet up now, I mean compared to the previous quarter-year, but you will still be the best of what I always wanted. MFP, you can't be the biggeset part of my life in SP, but you'd always be the best part ♥♥♥
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My Favourite People |
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Primers (extract) |
I feel especially loved seeing this bunch of people. Graduation was only a few days after I knew them during POC camp 2011 and they all came down to see me! Like omg I am super super super touched ok! I mean they're just an sms away, cuz I sent them an sms, really not expecting much but EVERY SINGLE ONE of them dropped by! Thank you Donny :)
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Donny |
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Mummy |
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Sister |
We took this photo before we went in to the graduation hall! JJ finally agreed to take photo lol!
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DAC/06 (extract) |
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Shikuan |
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Nisa |
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Wensze |
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Date |
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Sebbysoo |
My graduation was wonderful, because of everyone here. I couldn't upload all the photos here but you could check them out on my facebook. Click Here!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
What's in my loot
Took this pictures in M'sia but haven't had the time to post them up!
The 'What's in my bag' & 'What's in my shopping bag' !
The 'What's in my bag' & 'What's in my shopping bag' !
Yes, I bring the eye mask wherever I go! Even in S'pore lol! Somehow I find it really really useful at times!
No time for kit-kat
I can't believe how busy life is for me. I know, I have no school currently, but tuitions, primers, plannings and NDPs! Gosh like a hell lot of things to do. Tutee requests for 3 times a week when its twice originally so I have one less day to be a home. And seriously speaking, I haven't been having the luxury to even spend a whole day at home for quite some time already. I need a break from the busy schedules! Let me do a checklist for the events coming up.
15/6 - Tuition
16/6 - DT & DL & Photohunt
17/6 - 2 Tuitions
18/6 - NDP @ Floating Platform!
19/6 - Crimson's outing
20/6 - MFP's outing
21/6 - Donny's outing
22/6 - Chalet
23/6 - Chalet + 2 Tuitions
24/6 - 2 Tuitions
25/6 - NDP @ Floating Platform
P/s school is starting on the 20/6, basically every single day. I know. That's crazy. I'll be back.
15/6 - Tuition
16/6 - DT & DL & Photohunt
17/6 - 2 Tuitions
18/6 - NDP @ Floating Platform!
19/6 - Crimson's outing
20/6 - MFP's outing
21/6 - Donny's outing
22/6 - Chalet
23/6 - Chalet + 2 Tuitions
24/6 - 2 Tuitions
25/6 - NDP @ Floating Platform
P/s school is starting on the 20/6, basically every single day. I know. That's crazy. I'll be back.
Friday, June 03, 2011
This is what I need
Graduation was on 25th May and I really appreciate everyone who came down just to take a picture or two with me, chit-chat and catch up. I really love all these people and I will dedicate a post to them when I am free, and back from M'sia. I will miss Mummy alot alot alot for the next few days :( Loooooooooooove!
x x x x x x
I'm leaving for M'sia in a few hour's time. That's what I know, going M'sia. Which part? Idk. When are we coming back? I also dk. But Idc cuz I'm going with the awesome people who'll have everything planned and we just got to enjoy :) Love them! Muuuuuuuuuuua. I'll TWEET and FB like spammers when I am back! Like the usual me :D Although I'll be missing the NDP training and dinner with The Space Troopers, movie with the NDP group but I'm sure I will enjoy much much in M'sia too! Grateful for that :) Crimson's outing has shifted to a later date and I love these people too!
x x x x x x
There are so many things happening for the past weeks. Arguments, unhappiness, misunderstandings - are way out of control. I have so many things to voice out but I don't want to start another hot topic and I really hope things will end here like soon. Why can't we have peace and why are there people who like to put words into my mouth? Since when did I say that I'm unhappy because I wasn't a TL? Since when did I say I'm not happy with that K? Since when was I included and dragged into this entire wave. Just because we were once in the same group, it doesn't mean that you understand me that much that you can talk to people on my behalf. People don't hate you for ONE reason. Its something cumulative and things you do have accumulated over-time. Just because we are the unlucky ones that started entertaining your nonsense doesn't mean that you can climb over our head. It doesn't mean that people who are not capable on the surface cannot do things properly. Even if you don't like what is done, why not give people a chance? I really dislike people who are arrogant and think that they're damn big shot and can control about so many things. I really don't like the fact that you can go round talking about a whole group of entity that you don't like. I really detest people who don't know how to respect others. Hello, earn your respect because respect is not something that should be taken for granted. I always believe, if you wanna do something big - put others before yourself.
x Peace x
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
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